Trainings, Webinars, and Presentations

FRESH School Health and Nutrition (SHN) Webinar: Keeping Education Running through Group Handwashing in Schools – March 2020

Publication year:




Save the Children US

  • What are the barriers to sustained behavior change with handwashing?
  • What tools and systems need to be in place in order to adopt the desired behavior at scale?

Join us to discuss the importance of handwashing in disease prevention in response to the recent COVID-19 pandemic. We will present technical solutions, material and supply, budget requirements, and management tools to support Ministries of Education integrate daily group handwashing activities into the routine of public schools.  We will commemorate World Water Day, whose theme this year is Water and Climate, as we focus on the importance of water.


  • Bella Monse, Senior Advisor, Fit for School Programme, GIZ

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