Policies, Standards, and Strategies

A Framework for the Protection of Children

Publication year:





UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The Framework for the Protection of Children marks an evolution in UNHCR’s policy and practice, recognizing both the centrality of children’s protection to UNHCR’s work and the growing body of practice and expertise in the child protection sector globally. The Framework broadens UNHCR’s understanding of and engagement in protection of children. It articulates six goals that encapsulate UNHCR’s commitment to protect and realize the rights of children of concern to the Office, and offers practical guidance on how to achieve them.

The six goals are:

  1. Girls and boys are safe where they live, learn and play
  2. Children’s participation and capacity are integral to their protection
  3. Girls and boys have access to child-friendly procedures
  4. Girls and boys obtain legal documentation
  5. Girls and boys with specific needs receive targeted support
  6. Girls and boys achieve durable solutions in their best interests

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