Reports, Study: Assessments

Formative Assessment on Social Norms for Exclusive Breastfeeding and Use of Modern Family Planning Among Young Women in Niger – USAID Kulawa Project

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Pathfinder International,Save the Children,Save the Children Niger,Save the Children US

The USAID-funded Kulawa project (2020-2025) is the main health activity under the RISE II (Resilience in the Sahel Enhanced, Phase II) regional initiative in Niger, implemented by Save the Children and partners in three regions: Maradi, Tillabéri and Zinder. USAID Kulawa focuses on maternal, newborn and child health; nutrition; and family planning (FP)/reproductive health.

USAID Kulawa prioritizes community participation and engagement to help identify and overcome social and behavioral barriers preventing the adoption of better health practices. As part of the development of its social and behavior change strategy, the project conducted a literature review on social and behavior change (SBC) and a gender, equality and social inclusion (GESI) analysis, in which the project identified opportunities and barriers based on gender dynamics for targeted beneficiaries, including youth. In order to develop a more contextualized and targeted SBC strategy, the project also conducted a formative assessment on the social norms that influence the adoption of key behaviors, such as exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) and the use of modern methods of contraception. USAID Kulawa chose to use the Social Norms Exploration Tool (SNET), a participatory approach that allows for rapid and collaborative data collection and analysis, to conduct this formative assessment.

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