Folleto Mediadores por la Paz.pdf
Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Treaties, Laws and Resolutions

Folleto Mediadores por la Paz.Promoviendo la Convivencia Escolar

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Cecodap, Caracas

A publication of Save the Children’s partner organization CECODAP, which focuses on their “Peace Mediation Programme” promoting the participation of children and adolescents allowing for a better conviviality in families and education centres. The programme, at its core, attempts to teach children one thing — how to resolve their conflicts peacefully. It encourages the creation of a positive school climate, provides conditions for effective and active participation of children, promotes teacher training, parent-teacher cooperation and family involvement in the life of the school, taking into account the key principles of the Venezuelan law LOPNA (the Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents), which entered into force in 2000 and establishes the rights, duties and responsibilities for children and adolescents.

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