Flood Disaster Risk Reduction & Anticipatory Action Activties in Blue Nile, Sudan thumbnail
Study: Evaluations

Flood Disaster Risk Reduction & Anticipatory Action Activties in Blue Nile, Sudan

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Sudan

During the period from April 2022 to early October 2023, Save the Children Sudan country office successfully implemented disaster risk reduction (DRR) and flood anticipatory action (AA) projects in ten vulnerable communities in the Blue Nile region. These projects employed a comprehensive approach to address critical needs such as safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene services, aiming to reduce the risks of waterborne and vector-borne diseases. The projects also focused on safeguarding vulnerable populations, implementing small-scale infrastructure projects, and protecting essential assets and food supplies. The goal was to enhance community resilience, readiness, and partnerships for crisis response.

This study evaluates the effectiveness of flood disaster risk preparedness and anticipatory action in mitigating flooding risks in flood-prone communities within the Blue Nile region of Sudan. Using a mixed-method approach, the study compares the impact of floods on supported communities over a two-year period and assesses the situation in supported communities versus similar communities without anticipatory action or flood risk reduction activities.

The study findings indicate that the implemented projects had a positive impact on reducing the adverse effects of flooding on shelter and infrastructure within the supported communities. There was a notable decrease in damaged houses, and reduced flood impact in the study group compared to the control group. Feedback from household surveys and key informant interviews further highlighted the positive influence of project activities, including reduced flooding rates and the availability of essential maintenance tools and emergency kits.

Despite encountering challenges, the study demonstrates the effectiveness of anticipatory action and disaster risk reduction projects in preventing loss and mitigating harm caused by flooding. Positive outcomes were observed in various areas, such as ensuring food security for the most vulnerable during the flood season, safeguarding crops, and livestock, providing health and nutrition services, advocating for water, sanitation, and hygiene activities, and implementing small-scale defence projects.

The assessment underscores the significant impact of flooding on vulnerable communities and the effectiveness of the implemented activities in mitigating these effects. It emphasizes the ongoing need for investment and support for flood-prone communities to strengthen their resilience and address persistent challenges. The crucial role of community empowerment in disaster risk reduction and anticipatory action projects is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of inclusive, transparent, and participatory processes to engage all community members meaningfully.

Improved coordination and proactive measures in flood anticipation efforts are deemed critical, stressing the necessity of timely interventions to effectively address potential flooding challenges in the future. Overall, the study provides evidence of the effectiveness of flood risk reduction and anticipatory action in mitigating flooding risks in targeted communities, while emphasizing the need for sustained, multi-sectoral, and integrated approaches.

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