Final Report: Social and Behavior Change Desk Review: USAID Kulawa Project thumbnail

Final Report: Social and Behavior Change Desk Review: USAID Kulawa Project

Publication year:


English, French


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Save the Children International,Save the Children Niger,Save the Children US

This report provides a descriptive overview of the priority health and nutrition behaviors identified for USAID Kulawa project interventions. For each behavior, primary targets, influencers, key barriers, and catalysts as well as gateways to activities that can help the project stimulate behavior change in an effective and sustainable way are developed. Also, for each behavior, ideas for further research and statistical evidence are proposed for further investigation through primary data collection.

USAID Kulawa is the USAID Resilience in the Sahel Enhanced II (RISE II) Health Services Delivery activity in Niger, which works to improve access to and use of quality health services, strengthening ownership and management by communities, local government, and service providers. USAID Kulawa—meaning “to care for” in Hausa—strives to close the equity gap (the difference in abilities to access services) in maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH), family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH), and nutrition service access and use.

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