Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Families and Schools Together: Giving children a fair chance at school and in life

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Save the Children UK

The UK is the fifth richest country in the world, but more than one child in three lives in poverty – that’s 4 million children.
There is international recognition that education is a key route out of poverty, but there is still a gaping divide between how well children living in poverty do at school in the UK compared to their wealthier counterparts.
Save the Children is working in partnership with Families and Schools Together (FAST) to improve access to FAST’s parental engagement programme across the UK. FAST has an established track record for 80% retention rates with socially marginalised parents and has already transformed the lives of children in eight countries and 2,000 schools.
This briefing outlines Save the Children’s partnership with FAST and explains Save the Children’s objectives to improve the life chances of 50,000 children by giving disadvantaged children a fair chance to succeed at school and to get a well-paid job with prospects.

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