Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Factsheet: Adapting iCCM to enable family health workers to treat acute malnutrition closer to home in Gabiley District, Somaliland

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Somalia/Somaliland

This factsheet summarizes the findings from the 2022-23 Integrated Community Case Management Plus Nutrition (iCCM+) service prototype conducted by Save the Children and Design Health, with the close support and collaboration of the Somaliland Ministry of Health and Development, in the Gabiley district of Somaliland.

This service prototype is the first stage of a larger research project exploring treatment of acute malnutrition by family health workers (otherwise known as community health workers) in Somaliland. It offers operational insights and early indications of how this approach may benefit communities by bringing treatment closer to families and reducing barriers for accessing services.

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