Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

FACT Project’s WALAN Group Learning and Counseling Model

Publication year:


English, Acholi


PDF (3.7 MiB)


FACT, Fertility Awareness for Community Transformation,Save the Children International,USAID, US Agency for International Development

Developed and tested as part of the FACT Project, Group Learning and Counseling is a community-based group counseling model that relies on non-health volunteers to spread fertility awareness and family planning information within their communities, and deliver counseling in Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM)  to couples while supporting linkages to the health systems for other family planning options.

Offering FAM in a group setting can help increase acceptance of family planning and fill a critical gap in underserved populations: meeting women’s needs for methods that are easy to teach and learn, address concerns about side effects, and ultimately expand family planning access and choice.

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