Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Every Last Child: Reaching children living in the remote areas of Uganda

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Save the Children

Chances of surviving, learning and being protected as a child in Uganda vary significantly according to where you live. Deprivation rates amongst children are higher in rural areas (58%) than in urban areas (31%), are highest in the North (particularly in Karamoja and West Nile regions) and are lowest in Central Uganda. Despite significant strides in upholding children’s rights as upheld by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, one in ten children die before the age of five, seven in ten children drop out of school prematurely, and four in ten girls marry before the age of 18. Children in remote areas are especially vulnerable to these violations.

This Policy Brief focuses on children living in the remote areas of Uganda and looks at the challenges these children face in attaining their rights to survival, learning, and protection. It also identifies steps that the Ugandan government can take to overcome these challenges.

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