
Every Last Child: Films

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Save the Children

These short films, published in conjunction with Save the Children’s Every Last Child Campaign, interview children in Lebanon and South Africa who face discrimination, neglect, and exclusion.

Globally, the Every Last Child report shows there are more than 14 million refugee and internally displaced children from crisis-affected countries, like Syria, with only half of all primary-age and one in four secondary-age refugee children in school worldwide. The report also highlights the fact that in conflict and crisis situations families are far more likely to be pushed into extreme poverty, placing more pressure on children to work informally rather than go to school.

Thousands of unaccompanied children are also crossing from Zimbabwe to South Africa in search of safety, education, employment opportunities and to reunite with family, with many attempting the risky route across the Limpopo River in the belief that life will be better once the border has been crossed. 

For nearly a century, Save the Children has been fighting to save children from poverty. Now we are determined to defeat an enemy every bit as deadly and destructive: the discrimination that means millions of children are dying needlessly, being denied the chance to learn or being exposed to violence, just because of who they are.

Child Labour: Lebanon

Children in Isolation: South Africa

Refugees Living With Disabilities: Lebanon

Discrimination: South Africa

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