Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Every Last Child Country Spotlight: Zambia

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Save the Children

Save the Children is campaigning at an international and national level to achieve the greatest impact for children with the Every Last Child Campaign.

Zambia’s positive economic growth, at around 5% to 6% over the last 10 years, has been driven by increased copper production, high commodity prices and significant foreign direct investment. Yet coupled with high levels of economic inequality, this growth has not resulted in commensurate change in income poverty levels or employment, other than in limited urban settings.

The situation is particularly dire for children, with an estimated 65% (4.6 million) children and adolescents living in poverty. Child poverty is also predominantly rural: 85% (3.89 million) of poor children live in rural areas. However, there is growing urban poverty for those living in informal settlements and urban poor areas.

Read the full Every Last Child campaign report here.

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