Evaluation Report of EU Support To Early Recovery From Conflict And Resilience Building Project In Yobe State thumbnail
Study: Evaluations

Evaluation Report of EU Support To Early Recovery From Conflict And Resilience Building Project In Yobe State

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Nigeria

Save the Children (SCI) implemented a four-year “EU Support to Early Recovery from Conflict and Resilience Building” project in Yobe State from January 15, 2019, to January 14, 2023. An endline evaluation conducted in March 2023 assessed the project’s impact, relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. The project successfully met nearly all output indicators, with notable achievements and some shortfalls.
The project saw significant reductions in the Coping Strategy Index (CSI), with 94.9% of the target population showing improvement, far exceeding the 60% target. Additionally, 94.5% of households reached the livelihood protection threshold, surpassing the 60% target. In terms of food security, 61.2% of the target population achieved an ‘Acceptable’ food consumption score (FCS), narrowly missing the 64% target, although pregnant and lactating women had a higher FCS at 66.3%.
Households engaging in diversified livelihood strategies increased dramatically from 7.4% to 27.9%, greatly exceeding the 9% target. The prevalence of acute malnutrition among children reduced from 17.5% to 15.8%, meeting the project target of 16%. Furthermore, 88% of cash transfer beneficiaries received nutrition messaging, surpassing the 85% target.
Institutions involved in conflict-related positive action reported improved performance, with 70% feeling better equipped, and meeting the project target. All women and girls supported by the project reported improved community-level interaction, doubling the target of 50%. The project also exceeded its family reintegration target, with 63% of supported women and girls reintegrating into their families, compared to the 50% target.
Although 91.3% of farmers successfully piloted improved farming methods, this fell short of the 100% target. However, 81.2% of farmers received early warning information, far exceeding the 40% target. Additionally, 98.9% of people trained in business initiatives secured jobs, significantly surpassing the 80% target.
The evaluation findings indicated improvements in food security, nutrition, education, child protection, and social cohesion, attributed to the project’s cash support and agricultural initiatives. The extended project duration facilitated sustained recovery and resilience building. Future efforts should focus on ensuring continued political support for the social protection policy and maintaining momentum in resilience-building activities.

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