Reports, Study: Evaluations

Evaluating the Impact of the Catch-up Clubs for Displaced and Conflict-affected Children in the Mindanao Region

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Philippines

This report provides an evaluation of the implementation of Catch-up Clubs (CuCs) in the Philippines, which addressed the immediate learning needs of children in the upper primary school (Grades 4-6) who are at greater risk of losing interest in school due to intersecting factors. The evaluation assesses the outcomes of the CuC program intervention, investigates the effects of providing social and emotional learning (wellbeing) support, child protection, and measures to overcome barriers to education, including addressing povertyrelated barriers through cash assistance.

Catch-up Clubs aim to address economic and child protection barriers to returning to and staying in school and to tackle the learning loss of children aged 8-13 years old who are most affected by inequality and discrimination. This is done by providing after-school catch-up learning opportunities led by community volunteers. The CuCs approach integrates elements from other programs that have successfully demonstrated learning gains and builds on Save the Children’s expertise in community-based learning, child protection, and child poverty programming. The activities in CuCs focus on boosting learning and providing social support to children struggling with foundational literacy, particularly those from vulnerable families to catch up on learning and stay in school.

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