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EU-Africa Partnership Summit: Key Recommendations

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Save the Children Europe,Save the Children International

Ahead of the next EU-Africa Partnership Summit on 17-18 February 2022, as both continents brace for turbulent times ahead, it has never been more important for the EU-Africa relationship to meaningfully deliver mutually beneficial outcomes that directly empower citizens and help them recover from the COVID crisis. While welcoming the proposed partnership approach and the focus on investment in people and the planet, Save the Children regrets that children are not specifically targeted, as they make up to 50% of the population in many African countries. Children are the demographic with the potential to make the most transformative change in their lives, societies and economies so there should be focused investment in them and in strengthening the systems that matter to them – namely, silencing the guns, health, nutrition, WASH, education, and social protection. To ensure children are targeted and heard within the new EU-Africa partnership, Save the Children developed a set of key recommendations for the European and African leaders.

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