Study: Evaluations

Endline Performance Evaluation of the Sponsorship Program in Vietnam 2024

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Vietnam

This report presents the end-line performance evaluation of the Vietnam Sponsorship Program (VSP) implemented in Lao Cai province, Vietnam, from 2013 to 2024. The VSP, a collaboration between Save the Children and local government partners, aimed to address significant challenges in education, health, and child protection in a region characterized by high poverty rates and a large ethnic minority population. The evaluation highlights substantial improvements in early childhood care, basic education, school health and nutrition, adolescent development, and child protection. Key findings include enhanced school readiness, improved literacy rates, better health and hygiene practices, and increased awareness of reproductive health among adolescents. These outcomes underscore the program’s success in creating a sustainable, positive impact on children’s development and well-being, contributing to their ability to become nurturing caregivers and positive contributors to society. The report recommends expanding successful models, institutionalizing effective educational approaches, and enhancing psychological counseling services, safe school models, and career orientation interventions to ensure long-term benefits for children in Lao Cai province.

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