Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Endline Evaluation Brief: Integrated lifesaving health, nutrition, and WASH for communities affected by drought in Oromia and Somalia regions, Ethiopia

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Save the Children Ethiopia,Save the Children International

The BHA-funded “Integrated Lifesaving Health, Nutrition, and WASH Project for Communities Affected by Drought” was implemented in Ethiopia’s Afar, Amhara, Oromia, and Tigray Regions. Save the Children (SC) implemented a comprehensive approach, and achieved a remarkable outcome in terms of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability. Key findings include the distribution of chlorine products to 89% of households, improved water access by 118%, and promotion of hygiene practices. Most malnourished children were enrolled in feeding programs, with 99% exclusively breastfeeding under 6 months. 85% of pregnant women received their first antenatal care. The project built the capacity of local government offices and communities on WASH, nutrition, and health issues, with 98% of participants reporting improved knowledge and 97% applying lessons in their real life. The project also engaged stakeholders, handed over WASH facilities, and supplied essential equipment for sustainability.

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