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Save the Children Ethiopia,Save the Children International
Save the Children Ethiopia Country Office implemented the Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP) spanning from 2020 to 2023, funded by Education Cannot Wait (ECW). The endline evaluation of the ECW-MYRP was conducted to assess the program’s relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability.
The evaluation employed a cross-sectional study design with a mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitative methods, including tests and surveys, were used to measure achievements against program indicators related to access, retention, transition, and learning outcomes. Qualitative methods were employed to gain a deeper understanding of the program’s relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, coherence, alignment, sustainability, challenges, and lessons learned.
The program reconstructed destroyed schools, established safe learning spaces in IDP camps, and introduced innovative approaches like speed schools. It demonstrated efficiency in resource mobilization and utilization, mobilizing USD 117,191,138.38, 72.57% of target. The program successfully provided quality education to emergency-affected children, achieving a 127% achievement rate and enrolment rate of 76,744. It was aligned with international humanitarian-development plans and education policy frameworks, promoting consistency and transparency. However, the provision of education for children with disabilities (CWDs) has not been as successful, with limited enrollment in both formal and non-formal settings and sustainability is also a concern due to lack of exit strategy, limited capacity building, and community ownership.
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