Endline Assessment Report of the Integrated Emergency Response Program for Cameroonian Refugee Children and Host Communities in Cross River and Benue States, Nigeria thumbnail
Study: Assessments

Endline Assessment Report of the Integrated Emergency Response Program for Cameroonian Refugee Children and Host Communities in Cross River and Benue States, Nigeria

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Nigeria

With funding from the US Bureau for Population Refugee and Migration (BPRM), SC began implementing child protection and education interventions in both Benue and Cross River States in 2019. As a result of this partnership, SC has provided safe spaces for children who have experienced war, comprehensive care and management of Gender-Based Violence survivors, improved the quality of education and learning spaces by providing learning materials for pupils, and conducted capacity building for teachers and education stakeholders in Boki, Ogoja, and Obanliku LGAs in Cross River State, as well as Kwande LGA in Benue state. An endline assessment was conducted to ascertain the level of progress and areas for improvement in measuring the outcome indicators.

Findings from this assessment indicate a significant positive impact. Over half of the beneficiaries reported their children attending SC’s remedial classes, resulting in notable academic improvements. About 77% of beneficiaries expressed plans to encourage out-of-school children to enrol, indicating a positive attitude shift. Beneficiaries felt safer with increased awareness of protection services and improved confidence in handling risks. The feedback system by SC proved effective, though there is room to clarify intervention beneficiary selection criteria.

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