Endline Assessment of UNHCR Education and WASH programme in Cross River and Benue State, Nigeria thumbnail
Study: Assessments

Endline Assessment of UNHCR Education and WASH programme in Cross River and Benue State, Nigeria

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Nigeria

Between 2019 and 2023, SC implemented a series of interventions to enhance water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) outcomes in refugee camps and communities in Benue and Cross River States. In 2023, funded by UNHCR, SC continued education and WaSH interventions to enhance access to national education systems and WaSH services. This report presents findings from an endline survey assessing progress and areas for improvement in 2023. Key findings show increased access to water and sanitation, with 77% reporting improved water supply; however, only 14% have handwashing stations with soap. Shared latrines are common (78% of adults, 35% of children under 5 use plastic potties). Improved menstrual hygiene (46% use reusable pads, 80% are satisfied with facilities) is noted. SC’s education efforts raised awareness and academic performance, particularly for refugee children. Community involvement and feedback are significant, with 73% preferring home visits for hygiene education and 75% aware of feedback channels. These findings underscore successes, challenges, and areas for improvement in community development efforts.

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