Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Ending Corporal Punishment of Children – A handbook for working with religious communities

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English, Spanish


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CNNV, Churches' Network for Non-violence,Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children,Save the Children

This handbook is a revised, abridged version of the handbook Ending corporal punishment of children – working with and within religious communities” (2011). It provides links to tools and resources for engaging with and enlisting the support of religious communities and faith-based institutions towards the prohibition and elimination of all corporal punishment of children. It can also be used by those in religious institutions and communities who wish to broaden work within their own religious tradition and work in solidarity with multi-faith groups.

The handbook is based on the premises that the major world religions profess respect for the inherent dignity of every person including children and that the universal principles of compassion, justice, equality and non-violence are central to their religious teachings. At the same time, it recognises that there are those in most world religions who use their faith and interpretations of religious texts to justify violent punishment of children. Most campaigns for legal reform encounter strong resistance – sometimes well organised and publicised – from some faith-based communities and influential religious leaders. The handbook aims to inform discussion, planning and action around these issues and provides resources to counter religious opposition to reform.

The handbook gives a brief overview of the teachings of the major religions on non-violence and looks at ways in which religious leaders and communities have used religious texts and teachings to promote prohibition of all corporal punishment and other humiliating and degrading treatment of children. It includes suggestions for ways of working with multi-religious communities.

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