Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Ending Corporal Punishment of Children: A handbook for multi-religious gatherings

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CNNV, Churches' Network for Non-violence,Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children,Save the Children

Corporal/physical punishment of children is a global problem that occurs in all societies. Corporal punishment violates the child’s physical, emotional and spiritual integrity and is therefore incompatible with religious and universal values of respect for human dignity, compassion, equity, justice, peace, equality and non-violence.

This handbook was written in consultation with religious leaders and communities and provides suggestions and tools to support religious communities in working with others towards prohibition of corporal punishment of children, and the development of positive, non-violent relationships between children and adults.

Although this publication can be used independently, it is also designed to accompany Ending Corporal Punishment: A handbook for working with religious communities.

Additional resources on ending corporal punishment can be found at the Global Initiative to End Corporal Punishment of Children’s website: www.endcorporalpunishment.org.

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