Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Education on Reduction of Disaster Risk

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Save the Children Armenia

In Armenia, Reduction of Disaster Risk Education (RoDR) is a component part of the National strategy on Reduction of Disaster Risks. The basic aim of RoDR education and the involved teachers is to teach children “practical application” of that knowledge, skills and abilities in emergency situations. It may be provided at school through organization of games, training and sporting events, practical testing of evacuation plans, practical lessons and through other events, in particular by means of involving both girls and boys, as well as children with special educational needs. This manual is for primary school teachers for organization of Reduction of Disaster Risk education. It includes various tasks, lessons and training games to promote exploration and cooperation skills. The composition of the tasks provide the teachers freedom of adjustment depending on the children’s individual features and abilities. When applying the tasks in the manual, the teacher should consider development peculiarities of the children with special educational needs, and use specific approaches in involving the children in games, during lessons, as well as when doing the assigned task.

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