Study: Evaluations

Echo Include Phase 2 (Innovative and Inclusive Accelerated Education Programme for Refugee and Host Community Children)

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Finn Church Aid,Humanity & Inclusion UK,NRC, Norwegian Refugee Council,Save the Children International,Save the Children Uganda,War Child Holland

Overall, the data shows progress of the project towards the overall target. This is an indication that key interventions prioritized under the ECHO INCLUDE are successfully working towards enabling increased access to quality, safe and inclusive education for refugees and host communities. A major finding was the limited coverage of the project with regard to the needs on the ground, and the majority of the beneficiaries interviewed in all the targeted locations still required additional support. Key project interventions that were noted to have greater overall impact were the AEP schools, training of teachers and district authorities, construction of classrooms and the provision of scholastic materials, among others. The project intervention methodology that respondents noted to be failing is the support given through cash-based interventions. This is mainly due to the overall poverty levels in the targeted locations, that has led to the diversion of the money provided for children education. Also, worth noting is the need for consideration of parents as key project stakeholders in trainings on safeguarding, as well as sensitization on AEP approach and the overall need for education. This will enhance their appreciation and consequently their support for education programming.

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