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Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Teaching Resources, Trainings, Webinars, and Presentations

Disability-inclusive MAMI Training for Frontline Workers

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Save the Children

This training package provides resources for facilitators to train frontline workers on understanding, counselling, and managing disabilities in infants and their mothers, focusing on inclusion, feeding strategies, and effective communication.

This package is intended to be facilitated by a disability advisor or expert and/or a nutrition advisor with disability expertise. Co-facilitation with a representative from a relevant Organization of Persons with Disabilities (OPD) is highly encouraged.

It includes 5 modules, each with a facilitator’s guide and associated handouts. Below is a summary of the objectives of each module.

Module 1: Understanding Disability and Inclusion

  • Define disability using the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and the WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
  • Explain the differences between disability, condition, and impairment.

Module 2: Disability, Feeding, and Nutrition in Infants 

  • Recall disabilities and conditions that may occur during infancy.
  • Define cleft lip/palate, tongue tie, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, hydrocephalus, spina bifida, and poliomyelitis.

Module 3: Developmental Feeding Skills in Infants

  • Describe typical development of feeding skills in infants from birth to 6 months old.

Module 4: Strategies to Address Feeding Difficulties in Infants with Disabilities

  • Apply MAMI breastfeeding support actions for infants with disabilities. 
  • Learn strategies for supporting infants with disabilities to breastfeed successfully.

Module 5: Supporting Mothers with Disabilities and Mothers of Infants with Disabilities

  • Apply communication strategies for mothers who are deaf or hard of hearing. 
  • Apply communication strategies for mothers who are blind or partially sighted.
  • Apply communication strategies for mothers who have intellectual disabilities.

Module 6: Disability-Inclusive MAMI Scenario Role Play

Authors: Zeina Makhoul and Kate Miller, MS, CCC-SLP, CLC, Feeding and Disability Specialist, SPOON.

Technical review by Lori Baxter (Disability Inclusion), Fredrick Kianda (Disability Inclusion Technical Specialist, Save the Children Somalia), Mohamed Billow Mahat (Nutrition Technical Specialist, Save the Children Somalia), and Alice Burrell (Sr Humanitarian Nutrition Advisor – MAMI, Save the Children International)


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