Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Disability and Nutrition FAQ

Publication year:




PDF (350.5 KiB)


GNC, Global Nutrition Cluster

This document answers frequently asked questions on disbaility and nutrition

  • What are the key questions we should be finding out from the field to improve the inclusion of persons with disabilities in Nutrition programming?
  • What are the potential nutritional vulnerabilities of persons with disabilities we should be considering E.g., Access to general food distributions, appropriate foods etc?.
  • Humanitarian settings tend to use fixed vulnerability criteria and discussions on drought or famine response reflect those categories e.g. female-headed household, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers (and potentially persons with disabilities). While not questioning the categories, how could needs assessments and targeting better reflect intersectionality so we are not creating siloes?

The resource can also be found on the Global Nutrition Cluster website.

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