Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Cash Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Child Protection MEAL Adolescent Toolkit

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The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,WRC, Women’s Refugee Commission

The Cash and Voucher Assistance and Child Protection for Adolescents: A Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit is a resource for actors working in Monitoring and Evaluation, CVA (across sectors), child protection and adolescents programming.

The toolkit is divided into two parts:

Part 1 is comprised of two tools that are used as part of standard CVA programming.

  • A Baseline Tool that can be used as both the baseline and endline. This tool seeks out information about Fraud and Safeguarding, Child Protection Risks including emotional and physical wellbeing, school drop-out and child labour.
  • A Post Distribution Monitoring Tool to be conducted once cash has been delivered. This tool is specifically created for enumerators, it can be conducted by MEAL team members and follows a standard PDM process, with adaptations made for adolescents. It looks at Distribution Monitoring, Safetiness of the Distribution, Fraud and Safeguarding, Feedback and Response Mechanisms, Participation and Satisfaction, Household/Adolescent utilization of CVA, Impact of CVA on CP Outcomes (including emotional and physical wellbeing, school drop-out, child labour, and family separation. It also includes an Urgent Action Procedure in case any risks are raised that need to be immediately addressed by the case worker.

Part 2 is a menu of options which includes tools that can be used directly with adolescents and caregivers themselves. The choice of which tools will be used should be based on the project design and intended purpose.

  • Risk Mapping with Adolescents
  • Story-Based Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with Older Adolescents (15-17) and Caregivers to Identify Benefits and Child Protection and Safeguarding Risks Before Starting Cash and Voucher Assistance
  • Adolescent’s Protection and Safeguarding Risk Analysis
  • A Day in a Young Person’s Life
  • Preference Ranking
  • Diamond Ranking
  • Visioning Exercise

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