Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

CPMS Programming for Child Protection in Emergencies, CPMS Standard 4: Programme Cycle Management

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CPWG, The Child Protection Working Group

The Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) is a set of 26 inter-agency minimum standards for child protection in humanitarian settings. This publication is a close analysis and guide to Standard 4: Programme Cycle Management. It “unpacks” the CPMS by drawing on other principles and key actions that are related to programme cycle management. This will help to guide child protection actors on how to use the CPMS in each aspect of child protection programming for emergencies.

The guide focuses on programme cycle management at the agency level and is intended primarily for staff who are involved in child protection programming in humanitarian settings. It is meant to complement agency guidance by enhancing an understanding of how to use the CPMS throughout the programme cycle.

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