Côte d’Ivoire Governance Programs: Elevating Youth Voices and Civil Society to Improve Government and Business Accountability thumbnail
Case Studies and Success Stories

Côte d’Ivoire Governance Programs: Elevating Youth Voices and Civil Society to Improve Government and Business Accountability

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Save the Children Côte d'Ivoire,Save the Children International

Save the Children is a leading organization promoting good governance to realize the rights of children and youth in Côte d’Ivoire. As a child right’s organization, we center children, adolescents, and youth in advocacy and governance processes. Our areas of expertise include: children and youth civic engagement, civil society strengthening, partnerships with the private sector, and youth participation in governance and business practices.

Our programs have successfully established child protection committees, trained youth in entrepreneurship and financial education, and created youth-led initiatives to advocate for their rights, particularly in cocoa cooperatives. Our donor partners for this area of work include the U.S. Department of Labor, USAID, SIDA, the European Union, the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and private sector partners such as Ferrero and Mars Wrigley.

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