Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Cost and Affordability of a Nutritious Diet in Myanmar: A Cost of the Diet Study in Northern Shan State and Kachine State, BRICKS Project 2023

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Save the Children Myanmar

This research brief summarises the findings from the Cost of the Diet analysis conducted as part of the BRICKS project. This study shows that affordability of diet is a main barrier to accessing a nutritious diet in the BRICKS programming areas of Northern Shan State and Kachin State, Myanmar. The poor wealth group are unable to afford a diet which only meets the energy needs of a typical family, let alone a more expensive nutritious diet. With an affordability gap over 50% and 150% of the household incomes in Northern Shan and Kachin, respectively, there is a need for a multi-intervention approach to ensure women and children are able to meet their nutritional needs

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