Corporal Punishment in Lebanon.pdf

Corporal punishment in Lebanon

Publication year:


English, Arabic


pdf (1.1 MiB)


Save the Children Sweden

This publication examines the role of public administration in Lebanon in implementing a ban on corporal punishment in schools and points out the inner discrepancies of the Lebanese legal system in dealing with corporal punishment. It analyses the current legal and administrative situations in addition to the present challenges that will have to be met in order to achieve a complete and non-discriminatory ban on corporal punishment in schools and the necessity of complying with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child that has been signed by Lebanon. A field study of children between 8-12 years carried out by the Faculty of Public Health at the Lebanese University found that physical domestic violence exists in all social groups, is widespread throughout society as a method of discipline, and is generally used in educating and bringing up children.

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