
A Common Cause: Reaching every woman and child through universal health coverage

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PMNCH, The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health,Save the Children UK

Countries around the world have committed to a historic ambition: to end preventable child and maternal deaths within a generation.

A Common Cause shows why two key movements in global health – maternal and child health, and Universal Health Coverage – need to join forces to make that ambition a reality.

The report argues for universal access to an integrated continuum of care for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health, provided through strengthened primary healthcare and referral systems.

Country ‘spotlights’ on Ethiopia, Indonesia and Nigeria set out the challenge, highlighting disparities in access to essential healthcare and in maternal and child health outcomes.

The report goes on to make the case for Universal Health Coverage as the framework for countries to build a health system capable of providing essential services for all their people.

Finally, A Common Cause makes recommendations to all stakeholders in health – including governments and donors – urging them to unite around a common cause in order to make their shared ambition a reality.

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