Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Civil-Military Relations & Protection of Children

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Save the Children Sweden

In recent years the conduct of war has changed dramatically; modern conflict often takes place in civilian areas, where the difference between combatants and non-combatants is not immediately clear. These changes have led to civilians becoming the primary victims of war, and amongst these, children are especially affected. Today, one billion children live in conflict-affected areas, of which 300 million are under the age of five.

While armed combatants can be the perpetrators of violence against children, they can also play a crucial role in protecting them. Therefore, Save The Children has developed a strategy framework for Child Protection Programming toward peacekeeping, military and police forces, as well as a having formulated strategy and guidelines for civil-military engagement.

This brochure covers facts about children in armed conflict and what Save the Children, our partners, and other actors do to protect them.

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