
Children’s World Map

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Save the Children Sweden

Ending corporal punishment is a critical goal to End Violence against Children and achieve SDG 16.2

Across the world, more than 2 in 3 children experience corporal – or violent – discipline at the hands of those meant to love them most: their caregivers. While only 14 per cent of children are fully protected from corporal punishment – by law – across the world, the progress towards universal prohibition has been steady. In 1979, Sweden became the very first country to ban corporal punishment of children in all settings including the home. Since then many others have followed. Today, 64 states have achieved full prohibition of corporal punishment of children, as part of their national legislation. This children’s world map shows global progress towards universal prohibition to date.

As the smallest and most vulnerable members of society, children deserve more, not less, protection from assault.

To keep yourself updated, please watch and share this short film that shows the progress and use it in your advocacy.

This map is updated as additional countries achieve  prohibition in all settings.

For more information on law reform and global efforts against corporal punishment:

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