Publication year:
Save the Children,UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund
Developed by UNICEF, the UN Global Compact and Save the Children – the Children’s Rights and Business Principles (the Principles) are the first comprehensive set of principles to guide companies on the full range of actions they can take in the workplace, marketplace and community to respect and support children’s rights. Based on existing standards, initiatives and best practices related to business and children, these Principles seek to define the scope of corporate responsibility towards children. Covering a wide range of critical issues – from child labour to marketing and advertising practices to the role of business in aiding children affected by emergencies – the Principles call on companies everywhere to respect children’s rights through their core business actions, but also through policy commitments, due diligence and remediation measures. First proposed in 2010, development of the Principles were informed by an extensive multi-stakeholder consultation process involving business, civil society, governments, national human rights institutions, academia and children. The hope is that these Principles will serve as inspiration and a guide for all business in their interactions with children.
Los Derechos del Niño y Principios Empresariales proporcionan un marco general para entender y tratar el impacto del mundo empresarial en el bienestar de los niños. Save the Children, el Pacto Global de la ONU y UNICEF esperan que estos Principios sirvan de inspiración y orientación para todas las empresas en sus interacciones con la infancia.
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