
Children’s Recommendations on the Draft Children’s Rights & Business Principles. Save the Children Report

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Save the Children Sweden

This report from Save the Children summarizes the key comments and insights from the feedback received during the consultations held with children and young people from Peru, the Philippines, Zambia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Senegal and Paraguay.The report has been produced in the framework of the international consultation on the draft “Children’s Rights & Business Principles” launched in 2011 by the Children’s Rights and Business Principles Initiative (CRBPI), led by UNICEF, the United Nations Global Compact and Save the Children. This consultation is part of a process to develop a set of principles that would seek to outline the full range of actions that business can take to respect and support children’s rights. Participants were invited to review and provide comments on the draft principles. They found the exercises/consultation very educational. Some learned more about their rights in general and many had not considered the full extent to which business affects their lives and rights and the role of business in protecting children’s rights. They mentioned that there is a clear linkage and they are pleased to see that the issue(s) are being explored and that they had an opportunity to participate. 

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