Case Studies and Success Stories, Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Teaching Resources

Children without Appropriate Care: Training Manual for Asia and the Pacific

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Save the Children

The training package “Children without Appropriate Care: Training Manual for Asia and the Pacific” has been prepared by Louise Melville Fulford for the Save the Children Child Protection Initiative (CPI). Applicable for both Save the Children staff and non-staff members across Asia, the package is targeted at policy makers, professionals and para-professionals who are already working on programs to support children without appropriate care, or who may begin work in this area. It is designed as the first stage in a series of capacity building events which will support the development and implementation of improved care and protection systems for vulnerable children. The training focuses on children in developing contexts, who require support within their families and those who need an alternative care placement. It does not address children on the move or children in fragile or emergency contexts. The course is divided into 10 sessions, and centers on the Indonesian alternative care system.
It is designed to:
• Provide a strong foundation of knowledge and understanding care policy and practice, based on international legislation, guidance and regional experience;
• Provide an overview of Save the Children’s strategy and policy positions regarding children without appropriate care;
• Give participants information, tools, and guidance on how to develop and implement programs – combining operational work, policy development and advocacy to support the care of children within their families, reduce reliance on residential care, and support quality family-based alternative care;
• Present detailed information on the experience of the work in Indonesia in beginning their reform of the national care system, with guidance on the process and lessons learnt;
• Assist in the development of agency, country and regional strategies to improve the care of children.

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