
Children, Torture, and Power: The torture of children by states and armed opposition groups

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OMCT, The World Organisation against Torture,Save the Children UK

Children all over the world are being subjected to torture and ill-treatment by state and non-state actors. The vast bulk of documented evidence presented in this report is on children who are tortured, like their adult counterparts, for their own involvement in, or their parents’, relations’ or communities’ involvement in, political and labour activism.

This report is a call for action: national and international organisations and, most importantly, states must recognise that the use of torture on children is a reality and must be tackled. The torture and ill-treatment of children must become part of the mainstream global human rights agenda. The report aims to identify key issues and stimulate discussion amongst key actors resulting in programmes and policies to tackle this appalling crime. The report ends with concrete recommendations for non-governmental organisations, inter-governmental agencies, all governments and the donor community.

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