Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Teaching Resources

Children participating in governance. Budget monitoring from a rights-based framework. Training Manual

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Idasa-Kutlwanong Democracy Centre, Pretoria

This publication is the result of a two-year training project to build children’s capacity for rights-based budget analysis and self-advocacy. The manual is divided into three sections: 1) Basic facilitation skills; 2) Budget analysis for child rights realization and gender equality; and 3) Strategic advocacy. The facilitation section is the introductory aspect of the training and defines facilitation. The second section is divided into topical parts, including: how government works; knowing your rights; budgets; and gender, which formed the basic knowledge areas of the training programme. The third section is an application section where the knowledge areas are used as the basis of an action plan. Strategic advocacy deals with: understanding power, negotiation, advocacy skills and techniques, strategic planning and developing a campaign.

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