
Children in Islam: Their Care, Development and Protection

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Al-Azhar University, International Islamic Center for Population Studies and Research, Cairo,UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund

A disproportionate number of the more than 600 million children across the Islamic world face enormous challenges, from poverty and disease to lack of education and protection. Meeting the needs and guaranteeing the rights of these children – who account for more than a quarter of the world’s 2.3 billion children – are key to the success of overall efforts to combat poverty and accelerate human development. “Children in Islam, Their Care, Protection and Development” produced by Egypt’s Al-Azhar University and UNICEF, illustrates what Islam offers in terms of caring for and nurturing childhood. It addresses the themes of child rights, child health, child protection and child education, outlining key Islamic beliefs and traditions and how these impact the physical, social, psychological and spiritual well-being of their children.

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