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Save the Children Denmark
The school data is based on information from 4 field visits to 37 schools in Aweil East County, Northern Bahr el Gazahl during February and November 2008 and September and November 2009. Charlotte Bøgh has collected the data for this baseline assessment together with the Save the Children UK Education Team. The information is provided by the Education Authorities in Northern Bahr el Gazahl State and Aweil East County and the head teachers in the visited schools.
The school enrolment data from the SCUK “Education needs assessment in Southern Sudan”, with data from October 2008 is used as control material for the collected data from the field visits. The number of enrolled children at some of the schools was almost equivalent, but some schools showed also a significant difference primarily with fewer children enrolled in 2009.
This baseline assessment was meant to provide school information data to be used for the Region of
Origin Initiative (ROI), The Danish Ministry of Foreign funded project: Emergency Education VI. The project includes 50 primary schools in Aweil East County. The 50 schools were selected from a set of criteria (see Volume I), which was elaborated in order to identify schools, which could benefit most from capacity building.
The SC education staff selected random 50 schools in Baac, Malual Baai and Madhol payams, Aweil East County based on data from the SCUK “Education needs assessment in Southern Sudan”. 20 of the primary schools from the tree payams had been supported with funding from the ROI program 2006 – 2009, and these school will continue in the program, but the remaining 30 schools located in remote areas had never been visited by SC staff.
The 37 schools that were visited during the field visits are all included in this baseline assessment in order to give a broader picture of the school situation in Aweil East County.
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