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English, Mongolian
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Save the Children Mongolia
To inform its strategic planning for the next three-year period, Save the Children Mongolia conducted this Child Rights Situational Analysis (CRSA) from January to June 2018 to review the overall realization of children’s rights in Mongolia.
The design of this CRSA was consistent with the concepts and principles of Save the Children International’s CRSA Guidelines. The analysis took place over five months and involved Save the Children staff and partners. The sources of primary and secondary data were academic and non-academic publications, reports by partner agencies, and the outcomes and findings from CRSA workshops, meetings and interviews with staff and partners.
The analysis finds that, while much has been achieved in recent decades to advance the status of children in Mongolia, several country-specific factors and challenges prevent the rights of children from being fully realized. Uneven regional development with too high concentration in city areas, inaccessibility of herders living in vast and sparsely populated regions, urban pollution, extreme climate conditions, natural and climate disasters, and political, social, and economic instability have contributed to inequalities for children.
Since 2015, new legislation, national programs and policies have been adopted, and significant institutional changes undertaken, to ensure the rights of the child. However, effective implementation has been challenged by inconsistencies in policies and by limitations in financial, and material resources and institutional and human capacity
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