OPT CRSA 2011.pdf_0.png

Child Rights Situation Analysis: Occupied Palestinian Territory

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Save the Children Sweden

In the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), children live in a precarious and unsafe environment, denied the enjoyment of many of their basic rights on a daily basis. The purpose of this Child Rights Situation Analysis (CRSA) is to analyze the situation of children’s rights in the oPt in order to assist child rights actors to shape their strategies towards enhancing, advocating for and ensuring a better realization of Palestinian children’s rights in the oPt. Gaps in the fulfillment of children’s rights can easier be spotted through an analysis that bears a rights based as a fundament. Both the legislation and its realization (or the lack thereof) are part of this analysis and therefore essential in mapping and addressing child rights violations. This CRSA serves as an advocacy basis to urge governments to allocate the needed attention and funds on the most pressing subjects that need to be addressed in order to improve the situation for children in oPt. This is a review of the first CRSA developed in 2008.

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