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Save the Children India
“Child Rights Situational Analysis of Children of Families engaged in the Sugarcane Farming in Maharashtra” is a study conducted jointly by Save the Children and Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE). The study focuses on the situation of children of migrant labourers who travel with their families from the poorer northern and eastern parts to the prosperous western parts of Maharashtra to work as sugarcane cutters. Data was collected at the household level and at the level of children themselves.
The objective of this study was to understand the situation of child rights among the families involved in sugar-cane cutting and enable Save the Children to develop future programmes. The study was carried out in the districts of Ahmednagar, Satara and Pune, where four sugarcane factories were selected in each district. The analysis of data reveals that the situation of the children is poor, not only in terms of quality of life but also in terms of the basic rights they are supposed to enjoy. It shows that deprivation of children working in sugarcane farms is basically an outcome of two joint forces: economic necessity and low perceived benefit from education. It is therefore important to frame policy and programme interventions to combat violations of child rights and to give children the opportunity to enjoy their childhood to the fullest.
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