
Child Rights Governance: Annual Report 2013

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Save the Children

The goal of the Child Rights Governance programme in South Sudan is to ensure that the Government of the Republic of South Sudan (GRSS) and civil society have the capacity, resources and systems in place to respond to the fulfillment of child rights in South Sudan.

This annual report presents accomplishments of the year 2013 of Save the Children, GRSS and civil society partners within the country. Through child rights advocacy initiatives, Save the Children supported the establishment of various advocacy platforms to address different priority areas. Results from this work have been the creation of the Child Rights Civil Society Coalition (CRCSC) and closer cooperation with and developing the capacity of civil society actors to promote child rights in South Sudan.

Save the Children’s CRG work is supporting the new state of South Sudan to move faster in implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and its Optional Protocols, the African Charter on  the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC), the Child Act, and other child rights instruments that are relevant to children.

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