Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Study: Evaluations

Child protection manual for intervention in humanitarian crisis

Publication year:


English, French,Spanish


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Terre des Hommes

In situations of humanitarian crisis, including natural or man made disasters, adults and children need to be provided with basic care such as food, water, shelter and health measures. While the humanitarian community knows how to meet basic survival needs, modest attention is devoted to ongoing protection and psychosocial support of children. Through a comprehensive and practical assessment of existing interventions, this Manual aims to:

  1. present the Tdh vision and develop a common language with regard to child protection
  2. facilitate programming of child protection projects, through the provision of practical modules

The target audience for the Manual includes: Tdh field project coordinators; Tdh field delegates; Partners involved in child protection; and, Tdh headquarter staff. The Manual is divided into three sections. The first section sets the theoretical framework for protection, the second section focuses on the teams intervening in the field, who should be operating at field level, and what precautions must be taken. Finally, based on a strong demand from the field, the third section is made up of practical modules providing tools that can be used when implementing a child protection project.

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