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Save the Children
Save the Children with funding from IKEA is running a Child Protection in Emergencies Professional Development Programme to strengthen response capability in the East and Southern Africa Region. The programme speaks to the global localisation agenda and Grand Bargain commitment, with a specific focus on increasing Regional and National CPiE deployment capacity and Reserves.
The programme has been developed to enable existing mid-level child protection professionals to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to design and implement high-quality CPiE programmes. Using a blended learning approach, the eight-month programme includes distance learning, residential face to face sessions, desk-based simulation, Transformation of Training and a number of technical tasks. In order to further support the participants, an optional professional mentoring component was built into the programme.
The Residential Phase of the Child Protection in Emergencies Professional Development Programme (CPiE PDP) is a two-week training during which participants develop knowledge and skills to design and implement high-quality Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) programming. It is an engaging, interactive and rigorous experience with classroom sessions, group work, discussions, a simulation exercise and Transformation of Training. The pilot cycle of the East and Southern Africa CPiE PDP took place in Pelican Lodge at Lake Elementaita, Kenya between 11th and 24th June, 2019.
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