
Child poverty in Dungarpur, Rajasthan. Gross violation of children’s rights

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Save the Children Finland

As India moves ahead on the path of economic growth, inequality continues to be widened alongside. Many people are excluded from the benefits of economic progress and children living in poor households suffer the most. This report presents a disheartening picture of child poverty and vulnerability in the district of Dungarpur, located in the southernmost part of Rajasthan state of India. It illustrates how household coping mechanisms, adopted during periods of stress and shock, and neglect of children’s immediate and long-term needs and rights aggravates child vulnerability and deprivation.
Save the Children has initiated several interventions to reduce child poverty in the district, but these efforts will not be adequate to reverse the trend. It requires for stronger collaboration and action on the part of the government and other development actors so that children in Dungarpur can enjoy their rights and develop to their full potential.

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