Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Reports

Child Poverty and Adolescent Transitions

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Global Coalition to End Child Poverty

Adolescence is a time of vulnerability, but also a great window of opportunity. Governments should seize this time in order to address, and eventually eliminate, child poverty and move closer to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Addressing child poverty in adolescence can have a positive effect on the adolescents in the present, in their transition into adulthood, and for the next generation of children.

This brief from the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty is intended as a tool for governments and their partners. It shows why reducing poverty during the second decade of a child’s life is necessary to promote children’s rights and is a sound investment for the future. It identifies actions that governments and others can take, and the data and evidence gaps that need to be addressed in order to tackle adolescent poverty and its consequences. 

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