Child-led Disaster Risk Reduction-A practical guide-part 1_0.png
Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Child-led Disaster Risk Reduction-A practical guide-Part 1

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Save the Children Sweden

This guide, intended for trainers, teachers, facilitators and children, illustrates the steps that have been taken in Asia to replicate a successful Child-led Disaster Risk Reduction (CLDRR) program, originally piloted in Cuba. Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) consists of both the reduction of vulnerability to disasters and the preparedness for when disasters do occur. DRR can happen at a national, provincial and community level ideally, for maximum impact, all levels should be integrated.The implementation of CLDRR means that in the event of a disaster fewer lives, of both children and community members, will be lost. The impact of CLDRR is that children are more resilient and the negative impact of disaster on survivors can be significantly reduced. The participation in CLDRR has also been shown to help children’s mental and emotional recovery from disasters.

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